Protecting and Promoting Human Rights in India Daily Newsletter 12 Jan, 2018 edition | ![]( | 2nd Anniv Rohith Vemula's Death, January 17, 2018: ABVP Student allegedly Insults Prof more | ![]( | A series of urban uprisings in Iran that began on Dec. 28 in its second-largest city shocked the cou... more | ![]( | Srinagar: On Tuesday, January 9, Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE) declared the r... more | ![]( | If some good soul in heaven tells Newton of this history, he will probably throw an apple, either at... more | ![]( | Prakash Ambedkar has pointed out a threatening Facebook post against Maharashtra Chief Minister, Dev... more | ![]( | आज भारतीय लोकतंत्र का जिस्म तो बुलंद ह... more | ![]( | नया साल मुबारक हो गुप्ता जी, मैंने कहा. ... more | ![]( | मैं अब भी नहीं समझ पाता कि मोहब्बत में �... more | ![]( | आजकल खुद को महिलाओं का मसीहा कहलाने का... more | ![]( | दिन था शनिवार ३१ दिसंबर जब सभी नए वर्ष �... more | |