Protecting and Promoting Human Rights in India Daily Newsletter 25 Sep, 2017 edition | | In a scathing cirticism of the state of freedom and rule of law in India, PEN International has come... more | | Threatened by a call for compassion, empathy, peace and harmony? Rakesh Sinha, the new face of the R... more | | On September 21, 2016, a woman student of BHU was groped and molested on a campus street by some motorcycle borne men... more | | THE country is suffering again as the average price of petrol has reached Rs 75 per litre and the av... more | | अपने आजादी के 71वें साल में जून की एक आध... more | | प्रश्न उठा, दुनिया में सबसे पुण्य का क... more | | अहमदाबाद के एक मुस्लिम पार्षद ने सेंट... more | | वरिष्ठ पत्रकार केजे सिंह और उनकी मां ... more | | पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री मनमोहन सिंह और वि... more | |