Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sentencing reaffirms riot victims’ faith in judiciary

Gujarat EDN
AM 01SEP2012

Most of them hail the judge and exemplary courage shown by witnesses

Jignesh Vora 

    Survivors of the Naroda-Patiya massacreexpressedsatisfaction onthesentencingofthe32convicted of the crime on Friday. The life term for all the accused, most of them said, reaffirmed their faith in judiciary and the nation’s secularism.
    “We have waited for 10 years for justice and faced many difficulties and challenges. I am happy that these people have got what they deserve,” said Fatima Bibi. “Eight members of my family were killed in the riot. The perpetrators must be made to suffer. In fact, this punishment is somewhat less for them. They are criminals. They deserve severe punishment - nothing less,” she added.
    Shakila Ansari who also lost eight members of her family -- mother, two brothers, sister-in-law and four children -- expressed similar sentiment. “At last we have got justice. It is indeed very satisfying. They had committed heinous crime against our people. I am very happy with the sentencing of these criminals. They deserve nothing less.”
    Nazirbhai who is principal of a primary school, swore by liberalism and secularism and hailed the verdict. “It is a historic judgment. Witnesses deserve all the credit. More than that, the judgewhocarriedouttheentirecasein a fair, fearless and impartial manner has done a great job. It is proved that in India there are no Hindus and Muslims; all are Indians and only Indians. We have to respect human values of peace, love and sacrifice. This judgmenthasonceagainre-establishedthe sublime culture that our constitution envisages.”
    Salim Mohammad said, “I lost threemembersofmyfamilyintheriot. Iwas always proud to be an Indian, but usedtothinkwhetherIndiacantotally accept Muslims. This judgment has reestablished the rule of law. The judge deserves all the credit. I salute her spirit. She has undertaken a great task and reaffirmed human values. All riot victims across Gujarat, not just those in NarodaPatiya,arehappy.Allhavewelcomed this decision, whether they are Hindus or Muslims.”
    Father Cedric Prakash, director of human rights organisation Prashant, said that the sentencing of BJP MLA Maya Kodnani, Babu Bajrangi and 30 others to life imprisonment, must be seen as a step in the right direction.
    “The conviction and sentencing of these 32 persons must now come as a severe warning to several more high profile politicians and others who still stand accused in the courts of law on various charges committed during thosebloodydaysof2002,inGujarat,” he said.
It is a historic judgment. The judge who carried out the entire case in a fair, fearless and impartial manner has done a great job. Witnesses also deserve credit for this victory.
NAZIR School principal
At last we have got justice. They had committed heinous crime against our people. I am very happy with the sentencing of these criminals. They deserve nothing less.
SHAKILA ANSARI Riot survivor

I lost three members of my family in the riot. I was always proud to be an Indian, but used to think whether India can accept Muslims. This judgment has re-established the rule of law.
SALIM MOHAMMAD Riot survivor